quinta-feira, 4 de agosto de 2016

This is what happens on the Internet in 60 seconds

(available on http://www.marketwatch.com/story/one-chart-shows-everything-that-happens-on-the-internet-in-just-one-minute-2016-04-26)

Now that you´ve practiced the vocabulary for technology tell us which ones you use the most. Also tell us which of the technologies apps, sites, etc you use the most.

18 comentários:

Unknown disse...

Name: Stefanie
Number: 31

I mainly use the cell phone, the television and the computer. The apps I use most are: whatsapp, netflix, and snap.

Unknown disse...
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Unknown disse...

Wellington Donizete de Oliveira
The items I use on the net Daily are email, Wi-Fi, WhatsApp, YouTube among others that N Sujereri

Anônimo disse...

Hello my name is vitor rafael am 1 year I night I number 41. Of all the devices shown I know and I use all but touchscreen also known as tablet, of all social networks and websites, I use more Whatsapp in smartphone, Netflix in the desktop And search websites like Google, I use at all times less asleep YouTube to listen to music and curiosity and knowledge.

Vinicius Martins disse...
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Vinicius Martins disse...

I know all but I only use some that is whatsapp, facebook, youtube, google, Netflix, musically, Messenger and email

Unknown disse...

Leonardo n: 18

These are the my most used apps:


Anônimo disse...

Name: Dayanne Sehnem
Number: 45
I use the computer and the mobile the Wi-Fi and the applications are WhatsApp facebook Google Instagram e netiflix

Anônimo disse...

Name: Júlio César

I know the basics of technological items such as: computer, mobile, router. I use several applications that help me in the day to day to distract or help me, among them are: Whatsapp for communication, Netflix for movies, Google for accessing websites, YouTube for watching videos, Twitch TV for accompanying lives and games, Facebook for sharing Photos and messages with friends

Unknown disse...

Name: Wanessa
Number: 42
The technological objects that I use most are: computer, mobile and wifi and the applications that I use are: whatsapp, twitter, netflix and Instagram

Anônimo disse...

Name:Milena lunkes
Number: 26
What I use most is cymera, instagram, YouTube, Facebook, whatsApp. I know Wi-Fi, Check-in, books online ...

Unknown disse...


The words I use the most are: compiuter , mouse, Wi-Fi, keyboard, and apps are: Facebook, Snapchat, Netflix and whatsapp

Anônimo disse...

The applications that I use most are: whatsapp, facebook, snapchat, youtube.
The words that I know related to informatica are: Mause, monitor, keyboard, printer, cellular, wifi among others

Unknown disse...

Name: Gabrielle
Number: 10
The apps I use most are Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Social Spirit, Free Shop, Email, Instagram, Tumblr, Translator, Google and websites of games.

Anônimo disse...

Name: Kamila Queiroz
Number: 17

The words that I know the most that is related to my daily life is kayboard, mouse, monitor. Already the social neutworks i use are Facebook, whatsapp, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat.

Unknown disse...

Name:Thiago Boffo Lourenço
Vocabulary technology, I use the words: wi-fi, e-mail, mouse, laptop, mobile, computer. Technologies app that I more use is Facebook, Youtube, Google, Whatsapp, and other.

Unknown disse...

Name: Gabriel Henrique Niedermeyer
Number: 46
The applications that I use most are: spotify, twitter, I use a lot of computer as well, besides spending a lot of time on netflix.

Unknown disse...

Name: Thaissa Kotz
Number: 33

I use several APP like Whatsapp, facebook, snapchat, instagram, netflix and spotify, i enter both on the computer and on the cell phone